HNB Mortgage - Real People. Real Service. Real Simple.

Big Spring

Our Team

Matt Dunnam
Loan Consultant
NMLS #: 234034
We are very passionate about our professions, and as a result, a very large percentage of our business is referred from satisfied clients, trusted Financial Advisors and the most experienced Real Estate Professionals in the Permian Basin. Our mission is to guide you through the complete home loan process in a manner that will give you confidence as you make the choices about the options available for your home financing strategy. It is our goal to help you realize that your home is truly a valuable financial tool and to help you achieve the dreams and plans that you envision for your future.
We are able to offer financing on most types and locations of properties. Our team is committed to earning and keeping your business every step of the way. We would appreciate the opportunity to assist you with all of your mortgage financing needs… TODAY, TOMORROW and FOREVER! It’s your home and your future. It is our profession and passion. Our Team is ready to work for the benefit of your very best interests. Be our NEXT Customer for Life!
Contact Matt Dunnam  at HNB MORTGAGE – Big Spring, TX

Loan Consultants

Matt Dunnam
Loan Consultant
NMLS #: 234034


Florinda Gomez
Loan Consultant/Closing Manager
NMLS #: 275680
Christina Zertuche
Funding & Shipping

Loan Analysts

Operations & Accounting

Libby Corby

IT Services

Dillan Weems
IT Admin
NMLS # 226552
Office: 432.263.6312

Closing Dept.
Office: 432.683.3358