HNB Mortgage - Real People. Real Service. Real Simple.

HNB Mortgage Learning Center


Jul 2024

Can We Get A “Two-Fer”?
Home Equity Still Growing…
Mortgage Rates To Fall?

Blog Archive


Ask Your Home Inspector

Ten Important Questions to Ask Your Home Inspector What does your inspection cover?The inspector should ensure that their inspection and inspection report will meet all

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Avoiding ID Theft

Identity Theft: DETER, DETECT, DEFEND! In the blink of an eye, unscrupulous identity thieves can gain access to your personal and/or financial information and ruin

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Home Purchase Basics

Congratulations on your decision to buy a new home! There are many important things to consider throughout the process, especially if you're a first-time homebuyer.

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How to Get a Loan

Once you select us to obtain your home loan, you’ll be amazed at how quickly and simply the loan process moves. Before you know it,

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Mortgage F.A.Q.

WHY SHOULD I USE A REALTOR? First and foremost, because you need an experienced professional working on your behalf. The realtor’s commission is not paid

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